17 January 2011


I'm slowing things down over here - spent most of my weekend playing around in the kitchen and spent a lovely Sunday picnicking in the park. I have been making blackberry pancakes with vanilla yoghurt all the time. So yum! I just use 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of milk and 2 eggs and then sprinkle the blackberries on to the batter as it's frying in the pan. Yummy yum!

I was officially accepted to take part in Craft Hatch in March this year. I am so excited. 
It means I have to put my working boots back on and go make!

Wishing you a dry and happy week!


Squiggly Rainbow said...

You too Tina! Might see if I can come and visit you at the Craft Hatch! xo

fast times in münchen. said...

Congrats on the Craft Hatch you crafty woman. Love the coffee cannister. I missed out on the coolest vintage tee one on ebay yesterday. Im still crying! x
Ps Youre so lucky to have live in Regensberg. What a beautiful place. I loved it. Next time we go I will be sure to hunt down some cake..lecker.

Anonymous said...

Oh here's to a dry and happy week !
I'm in my own creative funk at the moment, i swear it took me all day to make something that should have taken an hour !
I love your intefacing confessions....i'm useless at reading and following instructions myself !
Dee xxx