11 May 2012

Keeping Up with the CraftCamparshians

Behold! Unartistic Iphone Shots of Craft Camp.
Although I must say if I'd blurred the background of the last shot it could have been a craft shot winner!

So much to write about a great weekend. My first night away from my little M, and Big M's first gig of solo parenting. He did a magically good job. 
I did a good job leaving even though I felt a bit tearful. I thought I'd be squealing with excitement on the drive to Alexandra, all the way in the hills behind Healesville. Not the case, the second I left the driveway I was hit with a deep and drowsy sense of fatigue and exhaustion. I guess being around my baby I am constantly on call. Remove the 24 hour round the clock on call thing and bam, exhaustion strikes. I pondered all these wise things on my drive, and I also pondered if I could ever actually have a wise thought again not relating to babies. I severely doubt it.

The weekend was wonderful, and featured in no alphabetical order

  • tea
  • cake
  • pyjamas
  • tea
  • tea
  • cake cake cake
  • salted caramel sauce
  • lovely chats
  • excellent company
  • cake
  • a savage act of stealing (hello old flour tins in old rubbish bag in front of op shop)
  • parmas, including but not limited to the Obama Parma, the Parmarama, and Khalisi Parma 
  • possibly the longest wait for a meal ever
  • oh and some sewing and crocheting went on. I finished another Tova, by now sent off to my sister for her birthday, and cut out a Colette dress too.

And here I could wax lyrically about feeling lucky to be included in such a blabla community bla.
But you knew that anyway, so really all I want to say is, I want to go again, as soon as possible.
I have a cold. And now I must nap. See you laters.


Sally said...

Oh brave you! I'm yet to steal a night away from baby O. Bitter sweet I know... but it would be nice to just get away for a bit.
Craft camp sounds fantastic. Love the fire. It hasn't been cold enough around these parts to put the heater on... not that we have a fire, but it just looks so cozy crafting in front of a fire place/column heater ;)
I've a cold too. Feel blah. Baby feels blah. Hope you had a great nap.

Sally said...

Oops... forgot to exclaim "another tova!"