27 June 2011

Linea Nigra

There are many fascinating things about pregnancy (unexplained foot growth, watching your fingers swell, crazy hair and piles for example) but I find the linea nigra truly amazing. Nobody knows why it's there....
it only occurs in about a third of pregnant women and it's a dark or black line that runs from your upper abdomen all the way along the rounded belly. Sort of like a symmetrical divider. The story goes that touching the linea nigra brings good luck... you can rub my belly with my permission!


posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Oh i never got this, on top of morning sickness & weight gain, i think might have tipped me over the edge. Thank goodness you get a gorgeous baby or two (i got 4 babies from 3 pregnancies) at the end as the reward. Love Posie

claudia said...

Mine is almost gone (3 months after I gave birth).I'm sad because, for a strange reason, I wanted to keep it as a souvenir or something! Oh well!!!

Jgee said...

Mine stuck around for about 4 months after giving birth and like Claudie I liked it there, a souvenir/battle scar momento. Tis amazing what happens to the pregnant body, huh.