11 September 2009



Look What I Found!

can not believe i found this finel mushroom enamel bowl at my favourite haunt. i have been staring at it for days now. i'm in love! the orange jug was an innocent bystander that i impulse-purchased, on a finel enamel bowl high.

and this. it says it's a made in brazil tile, it looks very old. the girl and the cat and the cuckoo clock are all paper cuts and coloured in. the paper is crinkling. do people maybe have these in their houses in brazil? i wonder if this came in someone's bags all the way from there.

the house is starting to look like a home, more and more each day. this is a happy-making factor in the crafty immigrant's life.


Georgie Love said...

Can not write. Feeling mushroom bowl envy.

Gina said...

Wow. Completely jealous. That mushroom bowl is something else! Love the orange too. Your house must be looking classy...
THings revoltingly busy with kids until end of sept but I'd love a coffee sometime... perhaps october! Tragic.

JoeyNomad said...

It is starting to look like a home - we freecycled almost all our stuff before we moved here so I am refilling the empty gaps! Getting pre-loved stuff makes it feel more homey. Otherwise I'd feel like I live in a furniture shop!

October sounds good. How can it be almost October already? What happened?

tea with lucy said...

Seems the mushroom bowl is popular all round.

Love it.

I'm rather into mushrooms at the mo. Strange but true!